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Did you know that each of us consumes more air every day than anything else in the world? It’s true. We each breathe in over 3,000 gallons of air every day. And don’t we all want to breathe pure, fresh air? Unfortunately, the air outside can be bad, and indoors where we spend most of our time, the air can be much worse. In fact, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), indoor air levels of many pollutants may be 2-5 times, and sometimes, more than 100 times higher than outdoor levels. Without some method of control, airborne contaminants can be breathed in or eventually settle on exposed surfaces. But whether you suffer from allergies or not, there is something you can do about it. Vollara Air & Surface Pro+ combines five nature- based processes into one unique, proven, active technology system that helps clean the air you breathe and the surfaces you touch.


About Indoor Air

One alarmingly simple fact to consider: if you don’t use an air purifier, you are the air purifier. The EPA says the average adult breathes over 3,000 gallons of air each day and spends a significant amount of time, up to 90%, indoors. The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) reports that one in four Americans currently suffer from asthma and allergies. And while the human respiratory system has several built-in defenses to prevent substances from entering the lungs, utilizing air purification to remove or reduce the amount of airborne pollution in the breathing space can potentially ease the burden of contamination in the body and help maintain overall wellness. Those common household airborne pollutants can potentially include:

  • Dust which is generally comprised of dead skin, dustmitesand dust mite feces, insect parts, and more.
  • Smoke emanating from tobacco, wood-burning fireplaces, fuel- burning heaters, and cooking.
  • Chemicals from spray cleaners, perfumed deodorizers, carpets, and other building materials.
  • Various microscopic bacteria and viruses.


All of these will continue to be of concern as modern building methods and the energy efficiency improvements of retrofitting existing structures continue to seal pollutants within indoor spaces. Such buildings tend to have decreased ventilation rates, higher concentrations of indoor-emitted pollutants, and more occupants reporting health problems.


Dust Mites

It has been reported that up to 80% of U.S. homes have large dust mite infestations, which may not be surprising considering as many as 40,000 dust mites can live in a single ounce of dust. These pests are second only to pollen in causing allergic reactions, mostly from airborne dust mite feces, ranging from itchy noses and eyes to severe asthma attacks. Along with keeping a low relative humidity between 30 – 50%, one of the most obvious methods of controlling dust mites may be to just reduce the amount of dust. An air purifier that works to continuously remove particulate from the air, combined with a thorough cleaning regimen that includes vacuuming can be an effective, simple strategy to minimize the aggravations of airborne dust.


Exposed Surfaces

Contamination on surfaces isn’t limited to visible dust - there are numerous other types of contaminants that generally get spread where people live. Whether from sneezing and coughing or just everyday handling, door knobs, counter tops, and almost any exposed surface can become a potential staging ground. It’s also interesting to note that, by legal definition, disinfectants must be capable of reducing the level of pathogenic bacteria by 99.999% during a time frame of less than 10 minutes. Yet, as widely accepted as chemical disinfectants are, they may have little or no effect once removed from a surface due to lack of contact exposure. Because of this, some type of surface contaminant reduction between cleanings or disinfection may be desirable and beneficial as part of a regular regimen.


The Advantage of ActivePure®

With an end result similar to traditional filtration, ActivePure’s active technology will clear the air of dust and floating particles, but unlike filters, it works out in the indoor environment, using air from the unit to carry “scrubber” ions and oxidizers through the air and to surfaces where they may be needed most. ActivePure® makes extensive use of five nature-based processes:

• Sunlight - for germicidal UV light
• Rain and thunderstorms - to generate ionization
• Lightning - to produce activated oxygen
• Photocatalysis - for hydro peroxides and oxide ions
• Wind - to distribute these properties into the environment



Vollara Air & Surface Pro+

$1,499.00 Regular Price
$1,099.00Sale Price
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